截拳道香港教練協會 Jeet Kune Do Hong Kong Instructors Association
由李小龍愛徒 Sifu Larry Hartsell 授權徐研槿師傅 Chui Francis 在香港成立, 目的為發揚及推廣截拳道之正面訊息 。 Bruce Lee's student Sifu Larry Hartsell authorized Chui Francis to establish in Hong Kong. The goal for carries forward and a promoted positive news.
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Jeet Kune Do Hong Kong Instructors Association 截拳道香港教練協會 徐研槿師傅 Sifu Chui Francis (The student of Sifu Larry Hartsell & Sifu John Ladalski) |
Sifu Chui Francis President and Chief Instructor of Jeet Kune Do Hong Kong Instructors Association 截拳道香港教練協會 會長~總教練 徐研槿師傅
www.jkdhk.com 截拳道香港教練協會 Jeet Kune Do Hong Kong Instructors Association 是2004年由美國Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do Grappling Association創會人Sifu Larry Hartsell (1967年李小龍先生在 Los Angeles 之弟子), 指令其弟子Sifu Chui Yin Kan Francis 在香港成立。目的除要將截拳道技術在亞洲地區發揚外,特別要令多些人了解截拳道之終極武技(Grappling)(地戰)之實用價值,強調該技術並不相等於巴西柔術或日本武道及綜合格鬥(MMA)之寢技。 |
Jeet Kune Do & Kali-Escrima Class (截拳道 及 魔杖訓練班) 重點訓練: 截拳道 及 菲律賓魔杖班 Intensive training: Jeet Kune Do & Kali - Escrima Class) 星期日早上 9:30am - 11:30am 九龍, 香港. Every Sunday morning 9:30am - 11:30am in Kowloon, Hong Kong. Contact: hkscm_acole@yahoo.com |
會長 ~ 總教練 徐研槿師傅 Sifu Chui Francis 履歷 Resume Sifu Chui Francis has trained in the Chinese Martial Arts for many years. He began his training as a young boy in Judo and holds a black belt. In 1981 he trained Jeet Kune Do and Filipino Martial Arts under John Ladalski (the student of Guro Dan Inosanto). In 2003 he became certified as a Full Instructor under Sifu Larry Hartsell. He continues to teach and practice at YMCA, New Territories Centre located in Hong Kong. In 2011, Sifu Chui be invited to join the "Jeet Kune Do / Filipino Martial Arts Association Qatar" located in Dubai. His goal is to educate students in the Arts of Jun Fan Gung Fu with direct lineage to Sifu Larry Hartsell's Instructor Certification Training program
1) 2003年經李小龍先生愛徒 Larry Hartsell 在美國洛杉機作私人特訓, 並考獲由Sifu Larry Hartsell 發出之最高認可教授截拳道證書 (From Entering to Trapping to Grappling)及菲律賓武術 (Kali) 證書。 2) 2011年獲亞聯酋杜拜頒發 "截拳道 / 菲律賓武術"『高級教練』及『終生會員』榮譽。 3) 1981-1984年追隨 Guro Dan Inosanto 之徒弟 Sifu John Ladalski 學習截拳道及菲律賓魔杖。 4) 1992年中國廣州華南師範大學 (體育系) 專科畢業。 5) 1998年考獲 The National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) 私人體適能教練 證書。 6) 1984年至今一直教授截拳道及菲律賓兵器, 除兒童及女子外, 不少是紀律部隊及專業人仕。 7) 2001年開始應邀在香港中華基督教青年會(YMCA)新界會所教授截拳道及魔杖達21年之久。 8) 香港精武體育會會員。
Contact 聯絡辦法 Contact: hkscm_acole@yahoo.com Web site: www.jkdhk.com
Consultants of Jeet Kune Do Hong Kong Instructors Association 截拳道香港教練協會 最高榮譽顧問 Sifu Larry Hartsell
(The original student of Bruce Lee since 1967) Founder of "Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do Grappling Association" LA, USA. http://www.jkdassoc.com
「拳擊道」創始人, 師事伍冉明師傅。年青時在泰國練習泰國拳術, 打遍海內及海外擂台, 戰績彪丙, 鼓吹實戰實用武技。遠在1968年(李小龍先生仍未回流香港)陳師傅已在電影「黃飛鴻拳王爭霸」首度介紹高掃踢、肘與膝撞等武技, 令武林界大開眼界。其後數年, 除教授徒弟外, 亦參與中港台多部電影演出, 桃李遍佈天下。
本會永遠名譽會長,資深武道家,師事陳有倫師傅, 是拳擊道傳人。曾跟隨 John Ladalski 學習截拳道及菲律賓魔杖。1979 - 1989年成為本會會長徐研槿師傅之訓練對手, 精于徒手搏鬥。 |
The Ranking System of Jeet Kune Do Hong Kong Instructors Association 截拳道香港教練協會 (考核制度分級)
Beginning Level Intermediate Level Advanced Level Apprentice Level Associate Level Full Instructorship Level Senior Instructor
Assistant Instructors 本會助教
早年練習北勝蔡李佛, 後追隨徐研槿師傅學習截拳道及菲律賓魔杖, 持有本會發出之 "Senior Instructor" 截拳道及魔杖証書. 包括: 「截拳道及教學法証書」「截拳道進階近身地戰技術証書」「魔杖兵器証書 」
從小在YMCA青年會及本會會所跟隨徐研槿師傅學習截拳道及菲律賓魔杖武術達10年, 現持有最高級 Senior Instructor 證書。包括: 「截拳道及教學法証書」「截拳道進階近身地戰技術証書」「魔杖兵器証書 」
在本會會所 及 YMCA青年會跟隨徐研槿師傅學習截拳道及菲律賓魔杖, 持有"Full Instructorship Level" 截拳道及魔杖証書.
追隨徐研槿師傅學習截拳道及菲律賓魔杖多年, 持有本會發出之 "Full Instructorship Level " 截拳道及魔杖証書。
曾練習詠春拳, 後追隨徐研槿師傅學習截拳道及菲律賓魔杖, 持有 "Full Instructorship Level " 截拳道及魔杖証書。
從小在YMCA青年會及本會會所跟隨徐研槿師傅學習截拳道及菲律賓魔杖, 持有 "Full Instructorship Level "截拳道及魔杖証書.
在本會會所跟隨徐研槿師傅學習截拳道及菲律賓魔杖, 持有 "Associate Level" 截拳道及魔杖証書.
在本會會所跟隨徐研槿師傅學習截拳道及菲律賓魔杖, 持有"Associate Level" 截拳道及魔杖証書.
在本會會所跟隨徐研槿師傅學習截拳道及菲律賓魔杖, 持有"Associate Level" 截拳道及魔杖証書.
在YMCA新界會所跟隨徐研槿師傅學習截拳道及菲律賓魔杖, 持有"Apprentice Level" 截拳道及魔杖証書.
曾習詠春拳, 後跟隨徐研槿師傅學習截拳道及菲律賓魔杖, 持有 "Apprentice Level" 截拳道及魔杖証書.
Jeet Kune Do Family Tree Bruce Lee The Founder of Jeet Kune Do
2003 overseas training in Los Angels, California USA 2003 海外截拳道訓練 - 美國洛杉磯
"Francis Chui Yin Kan " training with Sifu "Larry Hartsell" in Guro Dan Inosanto's Studio in LA., California USA.
In front of the wooden dummy & heavy bag used by Sigung Bruce Lee.
Grappling, Kali-Escrima and Wooden Dummy Training in the house of Sifu Larry Hartsell in LA., California USA.
Meeting Yorinaga Nakamura (中村賴永 - IUMA 日本振藩國術館代表) in Los Angeles., USA
Jeet Kune Do Demonstration / Concepts Seminar in Dubai 11 February 2011
Sifu Joey Ninobla (Jeet Kune Do Master of Dubai), Sifu Chui Francis (Jeet Kune Do Master of Hong Kong).
Jeet Kune Do Studio of Dubai
Jeet Kune Do Studio of Dubai
Jeet Kune Do Studio of Dubai
Jeet Kune Do Demonstration and Concepts Seminar in Dubai by Sifu Chui Francis.
Jeet Kune Do Teaching 截拳道教學 Jeet Kune Do Studio (Prince Edward Station, Mong Kok)
JKD Wooden Dummy Part 1 and 2 Demonstrate by Sifu Chui Francis.
JKD Wooden Dummy Part 1 and 2 Demonstrate by Student Melody Yung.
Jeet Kung Do Friday Class - Hong Kong (Semi-free fighting training)
Chinese YMCA New Territories Centre. (Jeet Kune Do - Escrima Stick Training )
Remembering of Sifu Larry, technques he taught me in USA.
Grappling Training at Jeet Kune Do Hong Kong Instructors Association.
Wooden dummy training of Assistant Instructor Chau Hay Tung on September 2011.
Sumbrada Disarms.
Pad drills combination of Assistant Instructor Jonathan Tang Sau Tsuen.
? ATV 「李小龍經典導賞 2013」 - Sifu Chui Francis 與學員訪問, (李小龍逝世40週年紀念)。
Photos of Jeet Kune Do Class
![]() Tuesday night Jeet Kune Do class in Kowloon Studio.
![]() Tuesday night Jeet Kune Do class in Kowloon Studio.
![]() Tuesday night Jeet Kune Do class in Kowloon Studio.
![]() Tuesday night Jeet Kune Do class in Kowloon Studio.
![]() Friday night Jeet Kune Do class in Kowloon Studio.
![]() Jeet Kune Do women self-defence seminar in 2008.
![]() Escrima & Kali class in Kowloon Studio.
![]() Kali-Escrima class in YMCA New Territories Centre.
![]() Grappling class in YMCA New Territories Centre.
![]() Friday night class of JKD in Kowloon studio of JKDHKIA.
![]() Kwok Har Ka (Consultant of JKDHKIA), Sifu Chui Francis (President of JKDHKIA), Marco Lo (Assistant Instructor of JKDHKIA).
Tuesday night Jeet Kune Do and Kali Class.
Escrima Class in YMCA New Territories Centre "菲律賓魔杖訓練班" . Senior Student "Tang Sau Chun" with Sifu Chui Francis in 2009. YMCA Jeet Kune Do Class 18 December 2011.
Sifu Chui Francis with Assistant Instructors Chau Hay Tung and Tsang Ka Tsun training and teaching at Jeet Kune Do, Kali, Escrima Class on 03 April 2012.
Jeet Kune Do Friday night class examination on 29 June 2012.
YMCA Jeet Kune Do Class of "Tang Shau Tsun Jonathan" got the most high certificate "Senior Instructor" on December 22.,2013.
Jump Side-kick at Havana.,Cuba 2014 - Sifu Chui Francis.
Chinese YMCA "Jeet Kune Do Friday Night" Class on March 2014.
Chinese YMCA "Jeet Kune Do Friday Night" Class on November 2015.
Certified Student of Jeet Kune Do Hong Kong Instructors Association www.jkdhk.com
![]() Student "Carrie Li" got the "Beginning Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" in 2008.
![]() Student "Trevor Wilcox" got the "Beginning Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" in 2009.
![]() Student "Tin Ka Hung" got the "Beginning Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" in 2010.
![]() Student "Alvin Wong" got the "Beginning Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" in July 2010.
![]() Student "Lo Shing Cham" got the "Beginning Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" in August 2010.
![]() Student "Ng Kar Ho" got the "Beginning Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" in August 2010.
![]() Student "Amy Chen" got the "Beginning Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" in November 2010.
![]() Student "Rena Chan" got the "Beginning Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" in December 2010.
![]() Student "Chau Hay Tung" got the "Intermediate Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" in January 2011.
![]() Student "Tang Shau Tsun" and "Tsang Ka Chun" trained under Sifu Chui Francis and obtained the "Apprentice Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" and "Kali, Escrima" in January 2011.
![]() Student "Leung Ka Siu" and "Chan Ka Lok Kunio" and "Wai Lung" got "Beginning Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" in Chinese YMCA , New Territories Centre, Hong Kong on May 2011.
Student "Hatron Hau" got "Beginning Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" in Chinese YMCA , New Territories Centre, Hong Kong on May 2011.
Student "Amy Chen" trained under Sifu Chui Francis and obtained the "Intermediate Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" on June 2011.
Student "Rena Chan" trained under Sifu Chui Francis and obtained the "Intermediate Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" on June 2011.
Student "Chau Hay Tung" trained under Sifu Chui Francis and obtained the "Apprentice Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" and "Kali, Escrima" on June 2011.
![]() Student "Alvin Wong" trained under Sifu Chui Francis and obtained the "Intermediate Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" on July 2011.
Student "Tsang Ka Tsun" and "Chau Hay Tung" trained under Sifu Chui Francis and obtained the "Associate Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" on September 2011.
Student "Zm Li 李倬維" trained under Sifu Chui Francis and obtained the "Beginning Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" on October 2011.
Student "Howard Chin 錢文翰" trained under Sifu Chui Francis and obtained the "Beginning Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" on October 2011.
Student "Tang Shau Tsun Jonathan" trained under Sifu Chui Francis and obtained the "Associate Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" on December 2011.
Student "Tang Shau Tsun Jonathan" and "Tsang Ka Chun" trained under Sifu Chui Francis and obtained the "Full Instructorship Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" on February 2012.
Student "Lee Hon Keung 李漢強" trained under Sifu Chui Francis at YMCA New Territories Centre and obtained the "Beginning Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" on 06 May 2012.
Student "Wong Heung Yeung, Alvin" success obtained the "Beginning Level certificate of Jeet Kune Do" on 26 June 2012.
Student "Amy Chen" success obtained the "Advanced Level certificate of Jeet Kune Do" on 29 June 2012.
Student "Wong Lok Wang, Howard" success obtained the "Apprentice Level certificate of Jeet Kune Do" on 29 June 2012.
Student of YMCA "Kwan Kwong Chi", "Wong Yat Pang" and "Tsang Wai Lun" got the "Beginning Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" on 8 July 2012.
Student "Chin Man Hon, Howard" success obtained the "Intermediate Level certificate of Jeet Kune Do" on August 10, 2012.
Student "Howard Wong" got the "Associate Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" on August 14, 2012.
Student "Zm Li 李倬維" trained under Sifu Chui Francis and obtained the "Intermediate Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" on August 14, 2012.
Student "Amy Chen" trained under Sifu Chui Francis and obtained the "Apprentice Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" on August 10, 2012.
Student "Alvin Wong Heung Yeung" trained under Sifu Chui Francis and obtained the "Intermediate Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" on September 11, 2012.
Twelve years old boy student "Lau Tsz Hin" got the "Beginning Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" on 26 October 2012.
Student "Mabel Yeung" got the "Beginning Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" on 16 November 2012.
Student "Wai Lung" got the "Intermediate Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" on January 11, 2013.
Student "Tsang Wai Lun" got the "Intermediate Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" on January 11, 2013.
Student "Jordan Tong " (9 years old boy) got the "Beginning Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" on March 10, 2013.
Mabel Yeung got the "Intermediate Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" on August 23, 2013.
. Lau Tsz Hin (12 yrs old boy) got the "Intermediate Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" on August 23, 2013.
Student "鄧守晉 Tang Shau Tsun Jonathan" got the "Senior Instructor certificate of Jeet Kune Do" on December 22, 2013.
Students 香俊偉、施星耀、呂達富、洪漢森 got the "Jeet Kune Do Beginning Level" Certificate at Chinese YMCA New Territories Centre on March 09.,2014.
Student "Wong Tsz Kin" got the "Jeet Kune Do Beginning Level" Certificate at Chinese YMCA New Territories Centre on March 16., 2014.
Student "Lui Tai Fu 呂達富" got the "Jeet Kune Do Intermediate Level" Certificate at Chinese YMCA New Territories Centre on June 22., 2014.
Student "Kwan Kwong Chi 關廣志" got the "Jeet Kune Do Intermediate Level" Certificate at Chinese YMCA New Territories Centre on June 22., 2014.
Student "Lee Hon Keung 李漢強" got the "Jeet Kune Do Intermediate Level" Certificate at Chinese YMCA New Territories Centre on June 22., 2014.
Student " Wai Lung 衛龍 " got the "Jeet kune Do Advanced Level Certificate" on July 25.,2014.
Student " Li Zhuo Wei 李倬維 " got the "Jeet kune Do Advanced Level Certificate" on July 25.,2014.
Student " Amy Chen 陳玉珍 " got the "Jeet kune Do Associate Level Certificate" on July 25.,2014.
Student " Lau Tsz Hin 劉梓軒 " got the "Jeet kune Do Advanced Level Certificate" on August 15.,2014.
Student " Mabel Yeung 楊美寶 " got the "Jeet kune Do Advanced Level Certificate" on August 15.,2014.
Student " 陳本照" got the "Jeet kune Do Beginning Level Certificate" on November 07.,2014.
Student " 鄧澤良" got the "Jeet kune Do Beginning Level Certificate" on November 07.,2014.
Student " 王靜華" got the "Jeet kune Do Beginning Level Certificate" on November 07.,2014.
Student "Lee Hon Keung 李漢強" got the "Jeet Kune Do Advanced Level " Certificate at Chinese YMCA New Territories Centre, Kowloon, Hong Kong on July 26, 2015.
Student " 王靜華 " got the "Intermediate Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" in Chinese YMCA New Territories Centre, Kowloon, Hong Kong on August 07.,2015.
Student "Hatron Hau" got the "Intermediate Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" in Chinese YMCA New Territories Centre, Kowloon, Hong Kong on August 07.,2015.
Student " 鄧澤良" got the "Intermediate Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" in Chinese YMCA New Territories Centre, Kowloon, Hong Kong on August 07.,2015. Student " 衛龍 " got the "Apprentice Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" in Chinese YMCA New Territories Centre, Kowloon, Hong Kong on September 13.,2015. Student "Leung Man Chun" and "Siu Chun Fung" got the "Beginning Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" in Chinese YMCA New Territories Centre, Kowloon, Hong Kong on October 11.,2015. Student "Li Zhuo Wei 李倬維" got the "Jeet kune Do Apprentice Level Certificate" on November 20.,2015. Students "Leung Wai Shan " "Leung Stephanie" "Ng Yu Sang" "Kwan Ho Yin" got the "Beginning Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do " in Chinese YMCA New Territories Centre, Kowloon, Hong Kong on May 22.,2016.
Students "周煜煒 " "梁倬源" "黃永濠" "劉銘澤" got the "Beginning Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" in Chinese YMCA New Territories Centre, Kowloon, Hong Kong on August 26.,2016. Student "Sharmaine Wu" got the "Beginning Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" in Chinese YMCA New Territories Centre, Kowloon, Hong Kong on December 02.,2016. Student "Chan Ho Long" got the "Beginning Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" in Chinese YMCA New Territories Centre, Kowloon, Hong Kong on April 28.,2017. Student "Sharmaine Wu " got the "Intermediate Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" in Chinese YMCA New Territories Centre, Kowloon, Hong Kong on April 27.,2018. Student "Siu Chun Fung" got the "Intermediate Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" in Chinese YMCA New Territories Centre, Kowloon, Hong Kong on April 27.,2018. Student "Leung Ka Siu" got the "Intermediate Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" in Chinese YMCA New Territories Centre, Kowloon, Hong Kong on June 15.,2018. Student "Wong Wing Ho" got the "Intermediate Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" in Chinese YMCA New Territories Centre, Kowloon, Hong Kong on June 22.,2018. Student " Li Zhuo Wei 李倬維 " got the "Jeet kune Do Associate Level Certificate" in Chinese YMCA New Territories Centre, Kowloon, Hong Kong on August 17.,2018. Student "周煜煒 " got the "Intermediate Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" in Chinese YMCA New Territories Centre, Kowloon, Hong Kong on August 17.,2018. Student "Wong Wing Ho" got the "Advance Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" in Chinese YMCA New Territories Centre, Kowloon, Hong Kong on August 17.,2018. Students "梁文俊 " and "梁瑋玲 Stephanie Leung" got the "Intermediate Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" in Chinese YMCA New Territories Centre, Kowloon, Hong Kong on March 17., 2019. Student "Siu Chun Fung" got the "Advanced Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" in Chinese YMCA New Territories Centre, Kowloon, Hong Kong on March 22.,2019. Student "Wong Wing Ho" got the "Apprentice Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" in Chinese YMCA New Territories Centre, Kowloon, Hong Kong on March 22.,2019. Student " Li Zhuo Wei Andrew 李倬維 " got the "Full Instructorship Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" in Chinese YMCA New Territories Centre, Kowloon, Hong Kong on March 22.,2019. Student "Wong Wing Ho 黃永濠" got the "Associate Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" in Chinese YMCA New Territories Centre, Kowloon, Hong Kong on May 31.,2019. Student "Lee Hon Keung 李漢強" got the "Apprentice Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" at Chinese YMCA New Territories Centre, Kowloon, Hong Kong on July 07, 2019. Student "Kelvin Chow 周煜煒 " got the "Advanced Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" in Chinese YMCA New Territories Centre, Kowloon, Hong Kong on September 20.,2019. Student "Wong Wing Ho 黃永濠" got the "Full Instructorship Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" in Chinese YMCA New Territories Centre, Kowloon, Hong Kong on November 24.,2019.
Student "Lau Chi Hi 劉志起" got the "Beginning Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" in Chinese YMCA New Territories Centre, Kowloon, Hong Kong on October 11.,2020. Ng Ng Chau Ben "吳五洲 " got the "Beginning Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" in Chinese YMCA New Territories Centre, Kowloon, Hong Kong on August 15.,2021. Mr. Ng Ng Chau Ben "吳五洲 " got the "Intermediate Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" under Sifu Chui Francis on March 19.,2023 Student Wong Wing Ho "黃永濠 " got the "Senior Instructor Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" under Sifu Chui Francis on October 22.,2023 Ng Ng Chau Ben "吳五洲 " got the "Advanced Level Certificate of Jeet Kune Do" under Sifu Chui Francis on August 04.,2024 |